Friday, December 16, 2005

Remember this?

I just got this in my email.

I was at a UNC lecture the other day where they played a video of Oliver North during the Iran-Contra deals during the Reagan administration. I was only 14 back then but was surprised by this particular clip. There was Olie in front of God and Country getting the third degree. But what he said stunned me. He was being drilled by some senator I didn't recognize who asked him:

'Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?'

Oliver replied, 'Yes I did sir.'

The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, 'Isn't this just a little excessive?'

'No sir,' continued Oliver.

'No. And why not?'

'Because the life of my family and I were threatened.'

'Threatened? By who.'

'By a terrorist, sir.'

'Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?'

'His name is Osama bin Laden.'

At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back then probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued.

'Why are you so afraid of this man?'

'Because sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of.'

'And what do you recommend we do about him?'

'If it were me I would recommend an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth.'

The senator disagreed with this approach and that was all they showed of the clip.

It's scary when you think 15 years ago the government was aware of Osama bin Laden and his potential threat to the security of the world. I guess like all great tyrants they start small but if left untended spread like the virus they truly are.

The senator: Al Gore

It's clear the reason this isn't more well known is because of the liberal media hiding facts like this from the American people.


At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, it Abu Nidal. Even Oliver North refuted this urban legend four years ago. And there are two Muhammad Attas. One's a Palenstinian, the one responsible for 9/11 was an Egyptian.

If you are going to use talking points. Use new ones.

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Brian said...

The media is there to report the TRUTH -- not silly, fabricated stories to make conservative heroes look better. Oh, and Al Gore wasn't even on the committee at the time.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger The True Conservative said...

The liberal bias of the snopes site is well known. All the debunking of this story come from liberal web sites, so until I see something from a reliable source, I'm keeping this up. And there is precious little TRUTH form the liberal media.


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