The List
Apparently liberals are upset that Bill O'Reilly is planning to make a list of "far left internet smear sites". I think this is great idea. I've compiled my own list of liberal websites. Feel free to suggest additions in the comments section.
Liberal loser websites:
A Brooklyn Bridge, A Tiny Revolution, A-Changin' Times, Adventus, AgendaBender, AintNoBadDude, Alas, a Blog, alicublog, All About George, All Facts and Opinions, AmericaBlog, Am I Patriotic?, Angry Bear, Annatopia, Anonymoses, Atheist, Agnostic & Freethinking Student Association, Ayn Clouter, Bad Attitudes, Barbra Streisand, Bark Bark Woof Woof, BartCop, Beautiful Horizons, Berube, Bitch, Ph.D,, Blog for America, Bob Harris, Body and Soul, Brad DeLong, Brian Flemming, BusyBusyBusy, Chris Nelson, Clareified, ConWebWatch, Cosmic Iguana, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Crooked Timber, Crooks&Liars, Corn Muffins, Cup O' Joe, Daily Howler , Daily Kos, Daou Report, Dark Bilious Vapors, Dave Cullen, David Letterman, DC Media Girl, De-center, Debsweb Demagogue, Democratic Left Infoasis, Democratic Veteran, Demosthenes, Dependable Renegade, Deride and Conquer, different strings, Dohiyi Mir, Doxagora, Dubya's Daily Diary, Echidne, elementropy, Ellis Henican, Eschaton, Estimated Prophet, FaBlog, Fafblog, Fanatical Apathy, Fear of a White Planet, Finish My Wine dot Com, Firedoglake, First Draft, Friends of Liberty, From the Roots, Froomkin, Fundies Say the Darndest Things!, Futurballa, Gene Healy, General J.C. Christian, Get Donkey, Get More Ass, GOTV, Happy Furry Puppy, Hoffmania, Hullabaloo, iddybud, Ink from the Squid, Interesting Times, It's Craptastic!, Jack Balkin, Josh Marshall, Julian Sanchez, Just One Minute, Kicking Ass, Le Google Bomb, Lean Left, Left Coaster, Left Is Right, Liberal Oasis, Liquid List, Looking Glass, Loosen the Beltway, Mad Kane, Majikthise, Making Light, Margaret Cho, Martin Wisse, Matthew Yglesias, Max Speak, Mikhaela, Morning Sedition, Naked Writing, Nathan Newman, Needle Nose, Nitpicker, No More MNB, No, You Can't Have a Pony!, North American Foistboinder, Not Geniuses, Off the Kuff, Officially Unofficial, Oliver Willis, Orcinus, Pacific Views, Pandagon, Peking Duck, Pen-Elayne on the Web, People's Republic of Seabrook, Peripetia, Pharyngula, Pooflingers Anonymous, Public Nuisance, Poor Man, Rick's Cafe Americain, Rising Hegemon, Road to Surfdom, Roger Ailes, RoxPopuli, Ruminate This, RubberNun, Rush Limbaughtomy, Sadly, No!, Seize the Fish, Search and Destroy, Scoobie Davis, Seeing the Forest , Shakespeare's Sister, Sick of Bush, SirotaBlog, Sisyphus Shrugged, Skimble, skippy, Smafty Mac,, Sonic's Place, Speedkill, South Knox Bubba, Stageleft, Stakeholder, Steve Gilliard, Stinging Nettle, StoutDemBlog, Suckful, SullyWatch!, Sweet Jesus, I hate Bill O'Reilly, International, Take Back the Media, Talk Left, Talking Dog, TAPPED, TBogg, Terminus, Tina's Shark Tank, The Al Franken Show, The American Street, The Big Picture, The Big Picture, The Colbert Nation, The Colbert Report, The Disgruntled Chemist, The Google Bomb Project, The Grumpy Forester, The Huck Upchuck, The League Of Liberals, The Liberal Avenger, The Mahablog, The Poison Kitchen, The Primate Journal, The Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party, The Rude Pundit, The Sideshow, The Talent Show, This Modern World, Throwing Things, Today in Iraq, Today's Convincing Arguments, Treason Online, UggaBugga, Unqualified Offerings, Vaara, WampumBlog, War and Piece, War Liberal, Washington Monthly, WHITEHOUSE.ORG, Wilson's Blogmanac, Wolcott, Wonkette, World O'Crap, WTF is it Now?, Xoverboard, Yet Another Web Site
You are an dumbass twit. Nice blog. Why don't you and your "conservative" friends move to Red China. I'm sure you'd be more comfortable there.
I don't think you can muster up enough trolls to hit on all of us ;)
P.S. - It looks like your friends are going to jail :)
Liberalism is a mental disease I would have to agree with M. savage. I guess these morons would love to have Clinton in office again so HE can show us his moral side, oh, thats right, he never had one.
With all due respect to your malice, and I'm sure it's every bit as nasty as the big boys, it's hard to be intimidated by what's transparently the attempt of someone who nobody reads to get some liberals to link to you and (dare you dream?) say mean stuff about you.
Ooooh, the controversy. The people flocking to your side. You're a conservative hero. Glenn Reynolds unfortunately feels forced to agree with you. Charles Johnson's site dispatches floating legions of mouthbreathers to threaten the girlchildren of whoever says you nay.
At this point, you wipe up with tissues. You don't hit post.
At least then you would have accomplished something productive with your time.
Thanks I needed more good sites to busy up my day.
Funny -- some jackass put my site on a Liberal hit list last year.
The best was the day I was quoted by both Larry Kudlow in National Review and Eric Alterman of Altercation. ON THE SAME DAY. I got email from idiots across the ideological spectrum.
Here's a suggestion for the ditto head and idealogues: See if you can muster a few brain cells between you -- and LEARN TO THINK FOR YOUR SELVES.
HAVE YOU READ ANY OF THESE SITES? Have you seen any of the thoughts, arguments, discussions that took place in the pages?
Try to be less clueless next time . . .
Please add my site to your list, I felt left out.
Thanks for the new reading list.
...this looks like my blogroll...
...I am a little offended, however, that you didn't list the other wildly liberal clueless wingnut blog that I do. Oh, well, at least we know that we have a True Conservative tracking our actions. One request, though: Could you move Ruminate This to the top of the list and maybe text attribute it or something. I could really use the extra traffic (way more than some of most of these other folks). Thanks...
Wow! Thanks for the list! I'm sure I'll find more great sites to follow. However, I do feel you should move Skippy higher up in your list. It's a great site, which I follow daily.
A Yellow Dog Democrat
what a great list. i only knew of about half of them. more reading to do...
Thanks for including me, True Conservative! My blog is indeed a far left internet smear site. I smear the far left internet all the time! Glad somebody noticed.
Michael Berube
Hey, go read my blog; I'm sure you'll find it worthy of inclusion. You might want to start with these posts:
What the Declaration of Independence really says.
My special message to Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a total douchebag.
And that's just from October!
By the way, does it make you happy or sad that this post now has more than twice as many comments as any post you've ever done, and they're almost all from "liberal losers"?
Oh come on I didn't make the list!
Thats just out of order.
Excellent. I'll bookmark this page and use it as a portal to all my Fag-loving, God-hatin', terrorist-enablin' readin'. Thank you good sir for becoming a portal to the librul blogopshere. To those about to surf, we salute you!
Not satisfied with playing Whack-a-Mole with terrorists, the wingnuts turn their attention to lefty blogsites.
Silly wingers. As long as people can dream, there will always be liberals.
Take a pop at one, three more spring up to take their place. You guys never learn...
hey thanks for all the web sites--i will pass them on for all my friends and family to read and enjoy.
Okay, I gotta know. Whose BlogRoll did you cut and paste?
Hey O'Reilly! Yeah you, alcohol-addled offspring of a bunch of crack-crazed baboons gang-banging a substance-abusing five dollar bus-stop hooker, yeah you Mr. Likes Stuff Stuffed Up Your Butt, why don't you come on outside so I can beat you to a pulp and leave you to bleed to death in the street.
See, I did a Tour of Duty back when you were hanging out in the boys locker room hoping someone would do your ugly ass. You are a Traitor.
Fuck off and die.
Please include me on your virtual (hate) mailing list. While I only spout political on occasion, I do lean a bit to the left.
Thanks and Happy Holidays. - Swindlersfist.
Hi, yes, I know this isn't original, but actually could you put my site up there too? Not only am I a liberal, but I'm a BLEEDING HEART QUAKER STYLE LIBERAL to boot.
Add my site to the list please.
"Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free."
Eugene Debs 1855 – 1926
Awriiiiight! I can't wait to see my politics blog on that list when it gets going. Thanks for the links to all the really great sites. I sure could use that.
PS: I wonder how your conservative pals in the government are going to operate their blogs from prison? But cheer up! After they get finished blowing up the national debt, we probably won't be able to afford to imprison them.
True Conservative,
I believe you made a mistake, JC Christian's blog, Jesus' General is a 110% red-blooded American blog! He supports conservatism of all brands. In fact, he supports them so much he created Operation Yellow Elephant, to help pure and true Republican males find out how to join the Army and go fight in Iraq. He's a true believer.
That is why I hate him, as I am a lefty blueblooded blogger.
With that said, please include my blog, The Big Picture
I feel my online bastion of anti-Americanism warrants a posting here:
please add me! i hate america! i give free abortions to 12 year olds! I made a bong out of Franklin Mint Ronald Reagan collector plates! i burn flags! I sleep with a koran under my pillow so i can learn terrosim by osmosis! Add me add me!!!
Please add me. I think Bill O' Reilly looks like Lex Luthor.
You missed one, I love being on enemies lists!
You left so many blogs off your list...
... and we're severly bummed.
No, You Can't Have A Pony
Please add Today's Convincing Arguments to your list. Their a bunch of looney wild leftists over there.
Thanks for listing LEFT is RIGHT ( Since I, like most tree-hugging commie pinko peace-loving lefty traitors, take pride in my sense of humor, it's so fabulous that my anit-war anti-Bush anti-Right anti-Neocon blog gets such a primo listing on such a hilarious site like yours. Thanks!
Thanks for the list doofus. I now have a bunch of new sites to check out and enjoy.
Hey here's one short and sweet. Exlains how the right came to control of our government. No it wasn't the product of the free market of ideas nor the democratic process.
Say, have you ever yapped about how bad it is to have citizen Soros pump a few million into liberal causes?
Then read this:
Look in the mirror and call yourself an uniformed hypocrite. Either that or admit your Savior is here now and leading you.
thanks for the index. with such a solid recommendation, I know where I will go for clearsighted commentary.
kind regards
Shame you couldn't get it together to alphabetize the list. Let's try to remember the song, shall we?
Now, that wasn't so hard was it?
Here's why the "True Conservative" really made this list.
Of course, I'm not so sure this isn't a parody site. Nobody is this rabidly idiotic, are they?
Thanks for the link. I wear it as a badge of honor.
By the way, do you think the American Family Association realizes that the "Christmas Tree" is actually a pagan tradition that predates Christianity?
You forgot one:
Please add my blog to your list:
I'll look that much smarter when everyone knows that I am against your blatant idiotic antediluvian conservative occult beliefs and rituals.
Wow! Thanks for the link. It is an honor to be included in such a fine list.
Please add me to your McCarthyite enemies list. In the spirit of another comment on this post, I am an earth saving, animal advocating, empire fighting, LGBT rights supporting, racism hating, pro-feminist, war protesting, secularism praising, liberty/equality/solidarity loving, 'bring them home now' saying, radical Lefty.
Tim of Democratic Left Infoasis
Fantastic. This better than the blogrolls I normally check out. Could you keep it going? Any site you find that you hate while trolling, just add to this list. I'll make sure to check it out.
Look, Comrade, I'm as conservative as they come and I blog on Throwing Things. What the fuck crawled up your ass and died?
Where do you off listing all these great blogs and not including Bark Bark Woof Woof? Surely being called a "loser" by you is somewhat akin to being called ugly by a frog, and I'm insulted that I'm not on your list with all the rest.
The True Conserv ive GREAT title The List. I am actually looking for horse breeds related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other horse breeds related blogs. Thank you.
The True Conserv ive GREAT title The List. I am actually looking for horse breeds related information to give my customers on my website. I paused at the title and ran out of time to read, but will book mark you and come back latter to check you out some more. I am off to find some other horse breeds related blogs. Thank you.
Hey The True Conserv ive GREAT title The List. Thats what actually caught my eye. I was surfing blogs to try and help my customers and visitors with information on my website about ##Keyword## and paused to read but ran out of time. I will book mark it and come back to read later. This isn't really what I was looking for what I really need is information about related subjects but thank you and I shall return. I wish you well.
Hey True Conservative, I hate liberals (and Americans too !) but my blog is anti-Christian. Do I qualify for your list ? Please advise. My blog is
Damn, TrueConservative, it looks like you've made some new friends. Your mom still should have said "Pull out" a couple seconds earlier...
WAY TO GO exposing these losers!!! Hoooooray! I have one for you to add...Sribe!! Will have to get his link....this jerk harassed me until I finally told him he would be deleted each time he posted a comment on my blog.
Here it is Scribe....with going over there to get the looks like he is flying the white surrender flag!!! Changing names and saying Farewell....Guess it is no fun being a far left liberal with nothing truthful to say.
Awww, sweetie, someone needs a hug. C'mere. Mmmmmm. There. Feel better?
The Rude Pundit
If this doesn't make me worthy of being added to the "liberal loser" list, I don't kno what does.
Yay! I'm on the list!
In your face, Feministe!
Last night Bill was on Letterman, tonight on The Factor, I hope he adds Dave to another list of liberal shows. I posted about it....I will not be watching Letterman again.
I conservative. I no like librul. Librul hurt torturing, neolibrul slave driving feeling. When librul question authority, make conservative cry. Me cry like Alito wife. Me love torture. Me love bomb civilian. Me love exploit labor of non-white people. Me love hate gays and lesbians. Me love make women stay in kitchen. Me love be ruled by filthy rich ruling class.
Barbara Streisand. (Sorry if I spelled her name wrong)
I'd be happy to be on this list, because while I acknowledge having a lean to the left, I'm far closer to the center than any of the whacked out neo-cons.
Bush is a joke. Cheney is a joke. The jokes would almost be funny if those two bastards weren't taking away our rights as American citizens. As a result, we are on the path to a dictatorship in this nation.
True conservatives support individual rights. Neo-cons don't. True conservatives support the Constitution, including the right to free speech. Neo-cons don't. You have no idea what conservatism is, because you are so blinded with your hatred and your insistence that you are "right" on all topics; kinda like Dubya.
Enjoy your final days in control of Congress. Then stand by and watch as we demand accountability from Bush and move for his impeachment. The man is not only the worse president this nation has ever seen, but he is also a war criminal. ("One Little Victory") ("V - For a Free Republic")
You have to love the narcissism and venom of the rabid left who complain that they didn't make the list. They unwittingly are making an even better list useful in identifying which sites/blogs are the most liberal/insane. I went to look at a few of these liberal nuts' blogs and found what I expected, liberal insanity.
I am that mysterious "radical left" you guys keep talking about, and all I've got to say is . . .we're coming for you . . . bwahahaha.
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